Body, Mind and Core
April 12, 2018
The Freq Zone
April 18, 2018Fox River Studios
This private residential studio was originally a boathouse on Fox River in De Pere, Wisconsin. The new property owners decided to repurpose it for their love of music and photography, making one half a recording studio, and the other a photography studio. Sound isolation was a primary focus in the design of this studio considering its proximity to the waterfront, neighbors, and the adjacent photography studio. Haverstick Designs employed the “room within a room” concept and specified a suitable combination of construction materials including rubber pucks to separate the floor of the studio from the ground outside. The final studio layout included a 215 ft² control room, a 268 ft² live room, and a 37 ft² vocal booth. The interior listening environment utilized custom bass trapping, absorption panels and diffusers from RPG and Kinetics Noise Control to create the best possible listening environment. Fox River Studio was featured in Mix Magazine’s “Class of 2014”.